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Reagans Ugly Hagiography Is Middle Of The Night History Channel Nonsense

Reagan's Image vs. the Facts

A Misleading Portrayal

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to rehabilitate the image of former President Ronald Reagan. This effort has been fueled by a number of factors, including the release of several flattering biographies and documentaries. However, a close examination of the historical record reveals that Reagan's presidency was far less successful than his supporters would have us believe.

The Myth of Reaganomics

One of the cornerstones of the Reagan myth is the belief that his economic policies, known as Reaganomics, led to a period of sustained economic growth and prosperity. In reality, Reaganomics had a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Increased income inequality
  • A massive increase in the national debt
  • A decline in the manufacturing sector

The Iran-Contra Scandal

Another major blemish on Reagan's presidency was the Iran-Contra scandal. In this scandal, Reagan administration officials secretly sold arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages. The proceeds from these arms sales were then illegally diverted to the Contras, a rebel group fighting against the leftist government of Nicaragua.

The Erosion of Civil Rights

Reagan's presidency also saw a significant erosion of civil rights. Reagan appointed several conservative judges to the Supreme Court, who issued a number of rulings that weakened affirmative action and other protections for minorities. Reagan also supported legislation that made it more difficult for workers to organize unions.


The Reagan myth is a carefully constructed illusion that bears little resemblance to the historical record. Reagan's presidency was a time of economic turmoil, political scandal, and social regression. It is important to remember the true legacy of Ronald Reagan so that we can avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
